Paola Anselmi: musician (piano and harpschord player, singer), music educator, writer, and teachers trainer. She studied Early Childood Music Education in USA, Spain and in Italy. Founder and President of the international Music Association Musica in Culla in Italy and Spain, teacher trainer and presenter in conservatories, universities, institutions in many countries. She also teaches and coordinates the Early Childhood Music Programs (da 0 to 4 years) in music schools and public preschools in Rome and she is the director of international training course ‘Musica in Culla’ in Rome. For many years she teaches and lives music experiences (conferences, workshops and music classes) with teachers and children in Israel and Palestine. She published several articles about Early Childhood Music Education for books and magazines, and published, also, some books about ‘music practices and activities’ with children from 0 to 6. She founded the Music Ensemble ‘I Musicullanti’ giving a particular kind of Concerts for children from 0 to 10 years old. Paola’s work focuses on the task of transforming the importance of music in a child’s life and development into reality in children’s lives. She has been interested for years in musical traditions, practically experimenting with the language of music as an element of integration, communication and development.