Early Childhood Music Education in the Mediterranean
Music education Manual
The purpose of the publication
The Early childhood Music Education in the Mediterranean music education manual is the 9th intellectual output of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership Key Action 2 School Education Project (PROJECT NUMBER – 2014-1-CY01-KA201-000295) Early Childhood Music education in the Mediterranean; raising children’s musicality, evaluating music learning and enabling teacher’s preparation” (total 9 intellectual outputs). The project constitutes a pioneering act in the area of formal early childhood music education, for the Euro-Mediterranean region and for the Mediterranean region at large, Europe and the international community. The project applied, researched and developed unique intellectual outputs. Τhese include innovative theoretical framework and approaches, pioneering (but still ‘natural’) more global musically-oriented intercultural and multicultural educational methodologies and teaching strategies, Mediterranean derived music material, music learning/teaching evaluation tools and protocols for children’s musicality. Such work establishes and promotes child-relevant, playful, human agency focused, Mediterranean cosmopolitan formal early childhood music education. For the first time, this project advocates and decisively puts forward the perspective of interculturality in early childhood music education departing from the long history and multidimensional present mosaic of the Mediterranean region. At the same time, findings from a large scale ethnographic research in many different locations with 18 early childhood music educators, musicians and classroom kindergarten teachers in our countries propose efficacious and human agency intercultural early childhood music educators in-service training programmes and academic coursework.
The present publication attempts to link a small slice of songs (adult initiated and/or children developed), dances, and musical games from Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus and their local customs, with research-based findings, offering to the young child (aged 3 ½ - 6 ½ years old) increased cultural awareness and musical identities within the multiple Mediterranean musical worlds, musical skills and knowledge, poly-musicality, multicultural confidence, intercultural abilities for musical creativity and more joyful musical lives. The present publication is suitable, useful and relevant for both early childhood music educators and general classroom teachers.
The publication includes in four languages (Greek, English, Italian and Spanish):
- Notations and cultural information for 36 musical pieces
- Sound recordings of 36 pieces
- Chapter with theoretical background and guidelines
- Two Curriculum maps
- Eight different teaching units of 3-6 lesson plans for each unit.
- Transliteration table (only for the transliteration of Greek language and Cypriot dialect)
For more information about Early Childhood Music Education in the Mediterranean project and its future activities please contact the Project Designer and Coordinator:
Dr Avra Pieridou Skoutella
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., www.ccrsm.org.cy