Dr Zoe Dionyssiou: Assistant Professor of Music Education at the Department of Music Studies, Ionian University. Besides her academic teaching in undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the field of music education, she also coordinates a series of community music educational activities organised by Ionian University (music education programmes for babies and toddlers, interdisciplinary music-based educational programmes in museums, art galleries, libraries, etc). Her main research interests include early childhood music education, children’s traditional singing games, teaching of Greek folk music, interdisciplinary music and arts projects, etc. She is co-editor of the scientific journal Musical Pedagogics (published by the Greek Society for Music Education). She is co-ordinator for the Project Euterpi - Digital Music Repository, a project designed upon the receipt of ISME - Gibson award 2012 to both the Greek Society for Music Education and Lilian Voudouri Music Library, supported by the National Documentation Centre of Greece.